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Saturday October 5th, 10am - lateFOOTBALL WRITERS' FESTIVAL DAY ONE Registration opens at 9.30am Venue: Preston Lions Football Club B.T. Connor Reserve, 200 Broadhurst Avenue, Reservoir (Melbourne) 10am-10.15am - Acknowledgement of Country - Welcome from Preston Lions FC 10.15am-10.45am - Opening Address by Brendan Schwab Morning break 11am-11.45am A life in football One-on-one with Gary Cole 11.45am-12.45pm Story-telling and football history Lucas Gillard, Dr Jorge Knijnik, Professor John Maynard Lunch break 1.45pm-2.45pm Making a story out of football Paul Laverty, Texi Smith, Dr Karen Vickers 2.45pm-3.15pm The Agents: Changemakers or Dealmakers? Peter Paleologos Afternoon break 3.30pm-4.30pm How three clubs are making their own change - Panellists: Matthew Galea (Essendon Royals), Rabieh Krayem (Wynnum Wolves), Nicholas Rupolo (APIA Leichhardt) 4.30pm-5.15pm From Preston to Woonona to Berlin One-on-one with Adrian 'Noddy' Alston 5.30pm - 7pm Happy Hour and Launch of Soccer Anzacs Paul Hunt, Paul Nicholls, Dr Ian Syson, Athas Zafiris Dinner 8pm Final of the Australia Cup on the big screen
Sunday October 6th, 9am - 5pmFOOTBALL WRITERS' FESTIVAL DAY TWO Registration and coffee opens 8.30am Venue: Preston Lions Football Club B.T. Connor Reserve, 200 Broadhurst Avenue, Reservoir (Melbourne) 9am - 9.30am Fact File: The Balkanites in Australian football Andrew Howe 9.30am-10.15am The superstar coach, the protégé, and a film Cameron Fink, Tony Wilson Morning break 10.30am-11am The boy from Oz: Ange Ball Vince Rugari 11am-11.45am One year on: the Matildas Elissia Carnavas, Dr Greg Downes, Dr Kasey Symons 11.45am-12.30pm The national team player turned reforming administrator: Lise Klaveness Marius Lien Lunch break 1.30pm-2.30pm Debate: That state federations are a 20th century anachronism which are a brake on the game Yes: Pokuah Frimpong, Jack Kerr, Rabieh Krayem No: Elissia Carnavas, Nick Galatas, Michael Lynch Afternoon break 2.45pm-3.30pm A-League State of Play Stephen Conroy 3.30pm-4.15pm From Cattle Class to the Treble One-on-one with Andy Bernal of Central Coast Mariners 4.15pm-4.30pm Closing Comments Bonita Mersiades
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